Impedance Spectroscopy

Getting more out off your Data

Analyse properties of any fluids with our m:explore.eis measurement system – our new technology can assess properties of liquids! 

Use Cases

Industrial Cleaning


"What is the concentration of detergent in the bath?"


"Is the cleaning fluid sufficient to clean the next five extremely contaminated parts?"

Food industry


"What is the milk’s protein percentage?"


"Is my cow healthy? Is it being fed optimally?"

Quality control


"Does the delivered liquid contain unwanted additives?"


"I can document my liquid product’s composition throughout the entire process line without taking any samples."


  "Is it possible to detect a carryover, e.g., from a cooling lubricant, into subsequent process steps and identify the source?"

Principle of Operation

In contrast to conventional electrical methods of characterisation, impedance spectroscopy applies an AC signal to the material under test for a wide range of frequencies.


This method offers non-invasive, in-line measurements in real time. The harmless electromagnetic wave emitted interacts with the material and can be measured.


The advantage of ultra-wideband impedance spectroscopy over other technologies lies in the wide-frequency range that is covered. This allows for the detection of various constituents of a complex liquid mixture in a single measurement. 

  MINIATURISATION: Compact and robust sensors
  NON-INVASIVE: No direct contact to the medium necessary
  REAL-TIME: Up to 100,000 measurements per second
  ULTRA WIDEBAND: Measuring the composition of a (complex) liquid
  PSEUDO-NOISE SIGNALS: Harmless and difficult to disturb