Product development and new employees instead of crisis mode

The Corona pandemic hit the economy this year. Approximately three quarters of German start-ups claim to be negatively affected. However, it is the same who are not so pessimistic after all. Startups assess the situation more positively and optimistically than the German economy as a whole. During this period, they concentrate more intensively on product development (56%), cut investments (50%) and hire new employees (90%) in order to be able to make a full recovery after the crisis. This is the result of a study by the 8th German Startup Monitor, which represents almost 2,000 startups.
The situation was similar at Ilmsens: At the beginning, when nobody knew what Corona would mean for startups, some customer projects were frozen for a certain period of time. During this time, the corresponding employees worked short-time and concentrated on product development or worked through other work packages. It was clear to everyone that short-time work will end soon and that dismissing employees is out of the question. Rather, we focused on growth during this period. We hired three new employees between March and September 2020, two of them in Ilmenau and one in Košice, at our second site in Slovakia.

This is now paying off: Frozen projects are now running at full speed again, and new projects have been landed, which can now be handled thanks to the expanded team. The possibility to do home office had been planned for a long time. But Corona led to our management creating the technical prerequisites for this more quickly. This made working at Ilmsens even more flexible.
At the time when the economy took a turn, we drew strength to get everything out now. We are therefore not only looking for a hardware engineer, but are also advertising two more positions on our website in the following weeks. Check in regularly or send us an unsolicited application!
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