The East German business portal Wirtschaft+Markt honours 50 East German startups as stars of tomorrow. We feel honoured and say thank you because Ilmsens is one of them.

Read here which startups will make a name for themselves.
As a startup in Thuringia, Ilmsens belongs to a minority. According to the German Startup Monitor 2019, just about 24.1% of German startups are based in eastern Germany. In Thuringia the number is only 1.2 %.
The W+M Series: Die ostdeutschen Stars von Morgen (The east german stars of tomorrow) shows that East German startups are by no means negligible. Many exciting startup ideas and innovations offer new solutions for a wide variety of industries.
If you want to get to know more East German startups, click here and pay special attention to number 12.
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